it looks like I'm on the phone, and it looks like I'm too obese: last fall, I purchased a wide-angle lens with a focal length of 8mm. this was at a time when I had already finished with photography. yesterday, I drove to Karnabrunn in the southern Weinviertel in charming accompaniment to go for a walk. I had the camera with me and I was ready to use the very wide-angle lens. I also brought a tripod. I also brought a tripod, obviously. I mounted the camera on the tripod and pointed the lens at the landscape. I set the film simulation to black and white with a red filter. what I saw through the viewfinder was satisfactory, but I decided to stage myself once again. the strong wide-angle lens distorted me to some extent, especially at the edge of the picture. I'm not really that fat! I have just put on weight recently due to constant eating and snacking.