bigger, stronger, faster. there is a certain trend in people’s physical development. the slightly above average male nowadays looks like a romans time viking. we are turning into more robust individuals, so it seems. we should be stronger as generations fade, and new ones rise. but the further we advance, the less struggle is presence, and the less suffer is directionally proportional to less strength to overcome said obstacles. we look stronger, move faster, jump higher and have better access to every bit of information, but evolution won’t offer real toughness, not by itself. no endurance no “sucking it up”. everybody feels bad for everybody else, just a bunch of weaklings talking a lot, when they really should have their tales between their legs until they experience what our fathers and mothers partially had to fight with. growth has an element of simplicity. for muscles to grow, there needs to be a struggle with resistance, until you overcome it. same goes for mental strength, in theory it is so easy and logical, like everything else worth doing and being in our lifetimes. endure and beat real cold, pain, struggle and everything else which sharpens a body and mind. It’s not survival of the seemingly fittest. there are a lot of people that have come up with struggle and are still struggling as they grow to be adults, but they often don’t have a spot in this society, because people feel intimidated, by the ability to take what they want. it goes against the rules. people call them degenerates and criminals. but if this is the direction humans are moving in, I don’t know if I want to evolve.