across subliminally by the use of a slide projector. A nice lady from the village of Ladendorf in the northeastern Weinviertel gave me a slide projector today. A Leica Pradovit P 2000. I asked and found out that the machine had been in the basement for the past fifteen years. Idle, however. I did what had to be done. The projector and I went on a trip to the Weinviertel, around Ladendorf. I assumed that the slide projector had been misused for nothing other than projections, constant projections. Obviously, the projector had never been allowed to see for himself. One may wonder why the slide projector is always looking at the camera. How is he supposed to see it for himself? Well, he has to look away from the picture. Because that's his new perspective. And I can hardly avoid a wafer-thin contradiction to the title of this series of pictures.